排排坐 吃果果 \ Maps

排排坐 吃果果 \ Google Maps - 卫星地图游天下

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

中国 北方 / North China

山西 / Shanxi
-- 恒山 / Mt. Heng

河北 / Hebei
-- 山海关长城 / The Great Wall's east end (map)
(The east end of the Great Wall of China - The Great Wall at this section is the currve running from NW to SE in this map. At the crossing of the Great Wall and the road lies a famous pass, Shanhai Pass. The name means "The Pass of Mountain and Sea" as it sits between a mountain and the sea (the Bohai Gulf). The Great Wall starts from here and runs for nearly four thousands miles to the west.)


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